Saturday, April 18, 2009

Updates, updates and more updates

Wow, its been over a month since I've last blogged. I really should update this thing more often. I just don't have much to write about I guess. Well since my last blog, Alex had joined the Army. That's right, Alex joined the Army. He is currently in Basic, and graduates on May 22nd. I'm pretty proud of him even though I don't like the idea of him being in any branch of the armed services. Otherwise, I'm still working the same boring overnight shifts at work. I still have my kitties. But we have added a furbaby to our household.

I recently adopted a 3 year old Alaskan Husky mix. Alaskan Husky means he is part Husky and part God (or Gods) know what. He is technically a mix. We are leaning toward Husky/German Shepard. But who knows for sure. He was not housebroken when I brought him home but is crate trained. He is doing good on his house breaking, at least he asks to go out. :) He stays in his crate when I am work. When I get home in the mornings (on work nights anyway) he gets to go out for a walk, then he gets to roam the house while I sleep. He gets along well with both cats. Oh yeah! I named him Tiberius. His previous owners called him Blaze, which he didn't answer too. That is him above. Isn't he beautiful? Notice how he is laying next to his bed instead of on it. He does the same thing with his crate. He pushes the dog beg out of the way or sleeps under it. He is a strange dog. :D

I think that is all for now. I promise more regular updates, not that anyone reads this thing. :D

Monday, February 16, 2009

Writing forums

Ok, so some of you know I write stories and such for fun. Some of you have even read some of the stuff I've written. Well, after much thought, I joined a writing forum. I know there is at least one writer (*ahemDANIahem*) on my friends list. I know Alex is working on a book. So for all of you writers here is the link: My name on there is Dunixi. If you join and can't find me, drop me a message with your info and I'll find you. So far I like the forum, you read other peoples work and get to critique it and vice verse. Now Alex, you can't complain about me writing for no reason. I'm sharing my work with others. =P I hope to see some of you there.

Hopefully more posts will come here, I am going to try to write a blog entry at least once a week. It may just be something I've written or a rundown of events. Who knows.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wow...been forever it seems

Its been a looooong time since I've updated my blog. Alot has happened, well sorta. I am working nights taking hotel reservations now. Woohoo, I think. I only work three days a week then have the rest of the week off. So I guess its not so bad. I also learned that my little sister, Diana, is preggers with her first little one. I have been crochetting a blanket for her. I have to get it finished and shipped to her before June. My man has enlisted in the Army because he can't find a job up here. Sadly the work we did at ATX has made us over qualified for almost all the jobs up here. It sucks, but that is the nature of the area we live in.
My Mom and her fiance are getting married in May, so I have been helping her with the wedding. I am her maid of honor, which means I'll be all dressed up. Bleh. I'll do it for my mom though as much as I hate getting dressed up. They are having two weddings, one in May and one in July. The one in May is so Mom's family can be there. So I'll get to see my grandparents, my uncle John and his boyfriend. Then in July they are having a wedding so his family can be there. That should be a fun wedding. lol. I think that is about all for now. I'll add more later if I come up with anything.